Converting Unix timestamps
Sometimes, we need to convert Unix timestamps (seconds since January 1st, 1970) to human-readable dates. For example, we might transform 1539561600 to 2018-10-15 00:00 UTC.
There are multiple online services that do this, I like
Every now and then we need to batch-convert timestamps. The date
shipped on Linux distributions does this nicely:
date "+%c" --date=@1539561600
I recently ran into a similar problem when logfiles contained Unix
timestamps instead of human-readable dates. Using date
seemed a bit clumsy
here. Fortunately, had a nice solution involving
Vim. The following sequence converts the timestamp under the cursor and
records a macro q
to facilitate future conversions:
qq " start recording
"mciw " put time in register m and replace it…
<C-r>=strftime("%c", @m)<CR> " …with localized datetime
<Esc> " exit insert mode
q " stop recording
Quick and convenient — and easily incorporated into a macro to convert timestamps across the entire file.